I missed the England v USA game. This is my poem for Day Three.
Please don't tell me the score
Please don't tell me the score
when you pick me up from work
don't even give me a jokey answer
don't say it was ten all
or 47-0
because even that will give something away
I don't know how but it will.
Don't say anything
we will sit in silence
because I know your face too well
a raised eyebrow
or the slightest smile
will reveal a last minute deflected free kick
a penalty that never was.
Please don't touch the radio,
no music, no CDs
just silence
nothing can be trusted.
In the passenger seat I will put my coat over my head
like a rapist outside a court
because someone in the street will ruin it
we will drive past men in replica shirts
and their demeanour will be everything.
When we get home I will wait in the pantry
while you set Sky Plus to the right place
because I don't want to catch the news
and when the game starts you will sit in a different room
for the duration.
because I know you won't be able to resist
saying 'It's good this bit'
or you'd shuffle to the edge of your seat when there's a corner
and I'll think well something's definitely going to happen here.
I just need to get through the next 90 minutes
I know it's asking a lot
but I've got the Quarter Finals off work
when you said you were excited about the World Cup
I didn't believe you
but you've updated the wallchart every day
and I can't wait to watch it all together
but just for tonight
let me watch it by myself.
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